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GP Login Error: “The login failed. Attempt to login again or contact your system administrator”
Implementing a new Dynamics GP environment or migrating an existing GP to new servers it's not an easy task. So I think it's safe to say, we've all encountered our fair share of complications when doing so. In this blog, we will go over a GP Login Error of not being able to login with SQL sa credentials, and exactly how to resolve it. We will start with an overall understanding of the GP Login Error by visiting Microsoft Support and reviewing the following suggestions: Confirm password information for sa. Check Data Source configuration for GP client (ODBC). Check versioning for GP. If a service pack is available, consider installing it. Review permissions for the smDex_Max_Char stored procedure. To put this in practice, we took an example of a recent case, where a client was migrating databases associated with GP to a new SQL server. After the databases were migrated, the system administrator was […]
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